Wednesday, September 14

Happy Birthday!

Well, B is 4 today. For his birthday, I got him The Giving Tree complete with a CD of the author reading it. If you've never read it, read it here .
Inside the cover, I wrote:

It's not an easy thing, nor a simple one to explain. You changed my world even before you had a name. I stopped being me, began to form an us. Temporary, I knew, but everything was for you. More water, less stress, value my body, ignore the mess. I learned all of these things before you were the size of a lime, they are lessons to carry with me for the rest of time. I fell in love with you under a blanket of stars, I told you of hope, of life, to cherish this time that was ours.
Four years have passed since then, four trips around the sun. I've missed you every day, loved you every one. Happy birthday little man. Have a blast, have some fun. I miss you today, every day, like always. I love you B* E*,

I feel so broken. 

With Love Always


  1. Happy 4th Birthday to B and You. I wish for peace for you.. I know its easier said than done. But know Im thinking about you.

  2. Somehow I posted this a day early, my scheduling fails.

  3. You know this makes me cry for you. Like Steph said,I wish for peace for you...and know it's easier said than done. Love you, my friend.

  4. Aw, Deb, I know I'm late in responding but you were in my thoughts that day as I always. I love you girl.

  5. I love you all and thank you for your support, more than I could ever say.
